Dinosaur Hide-and-Seek (with Kikaseya Keitaro)

Don't Think of Tigers

Gordon Starts a Band

Gordon the Meanest Goose on Earth

Godfrey is a Frog

The Duck Never Blinks


*illustrated by David Litchfield

*written by Julia Green

*Illustrated by Patrick Latimer

*Illustrated by Patrick Latimer

The Western Nostril was a comic I used to make with my brother Patrick. It appeared in the Business Day Newspaper four times a week. To read them you'll have to head over to: https://patricklatimer.myportfolio.com/the-western-nostril

Also - for the first book we got Zapiro to give us a cover shout - and for the second book we ramped it up and got Desmond Tutu to punt us. For real. Probably one of the most amazing things to ever happen to me.
People often ask me where they can buy copies of my books - which is a tricky thing to answer because it depends on where you live and what you're looking for.
The first option is to try your local bookstore. Phone them, see what they have, and ask them to order if they don't. Support them. It's important.
If you want to order online in South Africa try loot.co.za.
If you're in the UK, try Waterstones.
For the US (and pretty much everywhere else), Amazon will have everything.